Am I falling out of love with blogging?

Am I falling out of love with blogging?

Here I am yet again after disappearing for nearly a whole month from my blog. Shit happens and I won’t apologize this time. It’s currently 11 at night and I’m really tired so what will follow will mostly just be me word vomiting every single thought that I have on my mind. So be warned.

I have been blogging on and off for over two years. My blog is probably the only thing that I have ever been passionate about as I have never had a hobby that I actually enjoyed before so it is really special. But recently I haven’t been feeling the same.

I don’t even know the reason why I stopped blogging in the first place. To be honest it was a long time coming. The last time that I had properly blogged was in December when I was doing blogmas. I have only put out a couple of posts since the new year and I just felt like the whole blogging thing was starting to get overwhelming and what once made me happy, it now just stressed me out.

This stress stemmed from a lot of things. Firstly, I was stressed by the feeling that I need to write a post. This only made me feel unhappy with the posts that I finally managed to put together as they were not up to my standards. I felt like the writing was terrible and did not actually reflect what I wanted to say. They were just words that I put together in a hurry while trying to meet the deadline that I had set in my mind. All of this resulted in me burning out.

I no longer felt willing to sit down and write, take photos and edit. I began to see it as a chore instead of a hobby. I began to question myself a lot. Why were my posts so bad? Why were my photos never bright/good enough? Was anybody actually interested in what I was saying? All of these why’s!

So, for the past few weeks I just couldn’t write anymore. I blamed my exams for not writing but at the end of the day, I realized that I was actually just falling out of love with my blog and anything that had to do with it.

Am I falling out of love with blogging?

Suddenly Instagram and Bloglovin were just a place for me to feel worse about my content. Twitter was something that had never gotten the hold of and my tweets were just a bunch of links to posts which were probably there for nothing. I missed out on twitter chats and saw all the bloggers around me just having fun and I was there just observing.

Another thing that I wanted to touch up on is the subject of my content. I feel like I only talk about makeup, clothes and materialistic things along these lines. Do I actually care about them enough that they were all that I can talk about? But if I don’t talk about them, what else would be left of my blog? Probably just a random blogging and recipe post here and there.

I love to write but I don’t know what I would actually write about if I my blog wasn’t beauty focused anymore. I don’t feel like I am good enough about speaking on other topics. I mean am I reliable to give you tips when I am just a 17 year old trying to figure out things myself?

(If you have managed to get this far, you are probably saying – just get to the point! Well let me tell you. I don’t know what the point was. I guess that I lost it along the way. Just let me have my Trisha Paytas moment while sitting alone in the middle of the night. With that said, all I could need right now are some chicken nuggets.)

So that brings me to next question. What will happen with What Sarah Writes next? And the answer is… I don’t know. But the definite answer is that I will not stop blogging. I love my little site too much to let it go.

I guess that I will change my direction a bit and try to write things that appeal to me more. I will still write about beauty as I do enjoy a good makeup post but I will definitely be adding more lifestyle posts.

I will also try to not stress myself. I won’t stress myself because the flatlay doesn’t look cute or white enough and I won’t stress myself on posting in time. My life doesn’t depend on posting at exactly 5pm after all! I also have my A levels in a few months which put enough stress on me already.

I guess that it brings me to the conclusion. I just hope that I managed to explain myself and got my point across. Talk to you soon xx


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  1. i was totally in your shoes a few month back, i think it's worth having a step back for a while and seeing where you want to head next. i feel so much better after a break!
    jen | velvet spring x

    1. I agree! I have been thinking a lot about my blog in the last week and I feel better now :)

  2. I get how you feel, I've felt like that sometimes when I just don't feel like writing and I question why I'm even blogging! It usually helps to forget about it for a few weeks and then come back as I get so excited to start creating content again! x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS

  3. Awww darling it happens.. I've been in this place.. Abandoned my blog for some weeks but trust me was not fully at rest.. Just find the topics you love so much and write on them i don't think it will be that hard. You'll be fine dear.

    Glowyshoes's blog

    1. Thank you :) I have been thinking about blogging even during my break

  4. I totally understand how you feel. I'm back in uni after taking a gap year and I've been overwhelmed with loads of stuff I have to do that I don't have time nor the enthusiasm and energy to blog anymore. It sucks, really :/

    1. It does but sometimes you can't do anything about it! Good luck with uni :)

  5. Write about whatever you want to! Your blog is your space, and you should be able to express yourself about whatever you want. Don't worry about 'being 17' - you still have things to say, and important things at that - even if it's not specifically about beauty or make up. Keep at it girl! :)

    Kelly D

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Kelly! It really made me feel 10 times better :)

  6. Ah Sarah, I knew something wasn't right because I hadn't seen you around and have missed reading your posts but take the time you need, we'll all be here. If its any help, I completely understand where you're coming from, I've been in a blogging slump many times before, where I thought, should I carry on? But I try and let that feeling ride out and try and inspire myself to get back into the habit of it all :) xxx

    1. Thanks Trishna! I took a step from blogging for a while and I feel much better and more inspired now xx

  7. It's definitely good to take a step back when blogging feels like a chore rather than something you enjoy anymore. I hope you find the direction you want to take - don't feel that nobody would read advice or anything non-materialistic just because you are 17 - if you feel you haven't found your way yet you could always write about that journey!
    Amy xx

    1. Thank you Amy! Taking a step back definitely helped and that idea sounds really nice :)

  8. Everything will be all right, you will see. Don't stress about it a lot, there is no point. Enjoy the ride, and if you feel like giving it a break, do it. Trust me you will feel 100 times better. Xx

  9. This is such an insightful post and I'm glad you were able to share your honest and raw feelings. We all go through this at some point. I haven't posted as much as I'd have liked to this year, but I love blogging so much that I'm really working to change that. Work and write at your own pace and know we will always be here for you!! Just remember that your blog is your space and you should have fun with it. <3

    1. Thanks Sanjana! I feel better now and know more about where to take my blog xx :)

  10. I have this feeling now and then but when I get into writing a post I remember how much I enjoy it. Also, you can take a break at any time, there's no pressure at all which is what is so great! You're doing so well right now, and I love your posts and blog altogether!

    Abs x


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